Consulting is providing advice on I.T. related matters. This could be about choosing computer hardware, software or networking technologies or it could be about work processes and other work methodologies related to the use of information technology. Consulting also includes the gathering of information whether this is gained through system look up or talking with other service providers. Making the right choices for your business’s I.T. needs can increase competitiveness, productivity and hence profitability in your business. Conversely not making the best choices may impede business productivity. This is why it makes sense to ensure you are making the right choices in technology.
5 hours prepaid Consulting: you save 7.5% or $56.25 off equivalent hourly rates
Validity: Up to 10 hours prepaid Consulting valid up to 12 months. Between 10 to 20 hours prepaid Consulting valid up to 18 months. Over 20 hours prepaid Consulting valid up to 24 months.
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